Handcrafted and Carefully Curated Jewelry & Gifts

A gemstone is a piece of mineral crystal which has been mined from the earth, cleaned, cut, and polished into a piece of jewelry or other adornments. Certain rocks, such as lapis lazuli, opal, and jade or other organic materials which are not minerals (amber, pearl, jet) are also used for jewelry and therefore are considered gemstones as well.

A birthstone is a gemstone representing one’s birth month.

It has been well documented since the 1560s in Germany and continuing well into the eighteenth century in Poland that in order to receive the full therapeutic and spiritual effects of these birthstones, individuals needed to own all twelve gemstones and alternate them monthly. Wear multiple necklaces at varying lengths for a trendy layered look.

Featured stones below for April are Natural Clear Quartz.

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